Monday, June 27, 2016

End of Week 3 of June

 The highest the creek got.   Lots of water around here.

 Bacon and Waffles for Sunday breakfast.

The girls using hair chalk to colour their hair and take photos

Owen finishing up his school project on gardening.  He was given a gnome and made to answer question and take some photos around the gardens with him. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Last 10 Days

It has been raining and raining and raining.  Which is good and bad in this country.  Australian's always want rain but it can soon go just a little bit too much and then floods start.  Which is what is happening now.
The cat has been hanging more and more inside with it so wet.  The garden has seen no frost so our hot peppers continue to produce and I am running out of ideas to deal with them.  Going to make a big batch of paste to put in the freezer for later use.
Eric's photo from Elvis is now a very big photo blown up and put at the airport for all to see when they arrive in Parkes, NSW.  He has mixed feeling about it.  Enjoy the photos of our creek rising.  There is a shot of Hannah the night before ,  the next morning and then 24 hrs after that.  We have a river and a bridge underwater causing road closer.  It has been fun.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

First Two Weeks of June

Well the weather is starting to cool off and we are starting to hibernate a little.   Baking cakes,  Sunday pancake breakfasts,   bugs showing up in the house,  stove top cookers breaking, fixing things and finding Canadian beer.   We are just doing the day to day stuff.