Sunday, February 28, 2016

Last Week of February

 Our first lime from around our gardens now that we are paying attention to how do get them to produce. 
 Eric and I came home from a meeting and found them all sitting together watching a movie!

Driving around back rounds to get to a shearing shed. 

 Some action from the shearing shed. 

Lots of I don't want to learn to cut grass on the ride on, but she did it.   Steers like the swather.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

3rd Week of February

 Mid Week the girls had swim carnival at high school.  Hannah got first in both freestyle and breaststroke for 12 year olds.   Ciara has a national level swimmer in her age group. ( she didn't want her photo taken)
 Morning routines around here.   Lazy, eating and trying to wake up. 
This is a Sacred Kingfisher.  The poor thing did a runner into our window.  So while it was getting it's bearings straight again.  I got to photograph it.  Such a pretty bird.  
 So we are getting our last hot spell I think before it becomes beautiful weather again in my books.  Temperatures in the mid to high 30C's so we are getting in some more swimming time on the weekends.    Next week a high of 41C is predicted.  Ugh..

Sunday, February 14, 2016

2nd Week of February

 So did a little photography gig.
 Watched Owen at his swim carnival this week.   He did well. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

1st Week of February

Some interesting storms came in the first week of February
 A lot of us just slept during the rain. 

 It was nice on the weekend so Eric escaped the house and went out on the hammock. 
Owen has figured out a new way to play a video game so he played during the weekend.